Wednesday, July 30, 2008

No more terror

45 dead in Ahemedabad. One in Bangalore. 21 live bombs defused in Surat. Bomb scares in Kerala, West Bengal and Rajasthan. What the hell is happening in my country? Terror has gripped the nation like never before. Homegrown terror networks have gained a foothold in almost every major city. Today, you watch the spectacle unfold on television. Tomorrow YOU could be the target. We've become a soft state, a perfect haven for terrorists to execute their sinister designs. Politicians will remain politicians. For the ruling party, its all about remaining in power. For the opposition, its all about making a comeback. The loser ultimately, is the common man: the aam aadmi.

What can I do?
Okay, you cant make decisions that matter most. Neither can you launch your own probe and track down those ba*t*rds. But you can do your bit to prevent such acts and help the victims in your own little way.

Donate Blood: Are you above the age of 18 and healthy. If yes, then DO make it a point to rush to the nearest hospital and donate your blood. Save a life.

Be alert: Report any unclaimed/suspicious object to the police IMMEDIATELY. Think not of what people'll say if its not a bomb. Think instead of how many lives you'd save if it turned out to be a bomb after all.

Watch those tenants: Got tenants at home, or do any of your neighbours? If you spot something wrong or fishy about them.. its time to give the cops a ring!

Its time we showed the terrorists our resilience and our strength. That's the way to fight back.

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